Page 38 - Band_6_WGI_05_Leseprobe
P. 38

Volkswirtschaftslehre 2014
 b) Senkung Unternehmenssteuern
  a) Erhöhung Staatsausgaben
 d) Lohnzurückhaltung
   c) Erhöhung Nominallöhne um 10 %
2.1 – –
Cyclical unemployment arises during the recession phase of the economic cycle due to a lack of aggregate demand. This will lead to rising unemployment as firms close and make redundancies as a result of lower output.
Structural unemployment occurs when there is a long-run decline in demand for labour relative to its supply, leading to redundancies. It arises due to changes in the structure of the economy, for example because of deindustrialisation.
This creates a mismatch of skills, as workers in declining sectors do not have the skills to secure the new jobs, leading to occupational immobility.
This problem often tends to be concentrated in certain regions that used to rely on sectors which are now in decline.
Also, the growth of international competition is an important cause, as emerging coun- tries use their comparative labour cost advantages.
Senkung Unternehmenssteuern, weil: – reale Gewinneinkommen steigen – Arbeitsnachfrage steigt
– Arbeitslosenquote sinkt
– Kapazitätsauslastung steigt – reales BIP steigt
Erhöhung Nominallöhne um 10 %‚ weil:
– Nachfrage steigt
– zunehmende Kapazitätsauslastung (Angebot passt sich an) – sinkende Arbeitslosenquote
– BIP steigt
(1 Wirkungskette erforderlich)
L4 2014 50 [ Inhaltsverzeichnis ] [ Aufgabe ]

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