Page 25 - Band_6_WGI_05_Leseprobe
P. 25

 BWL mit Rechnungswesen 2014 A 2 Apart from making investments in the German Iocation site Aero GmbH consider satisfy-
ing the steadily increasing demand by discussing several opportunities.
A survey among customers on the company’s performance – with a rating scale ranging from one star = poor to five stars = excellent – has produced the following results:
  High quality
  Reliable supply
     Customer service
  Delivery on time
  Customised products
  Energy efficiency
    2.1 The first opportunity discussed is integration.
Name and define three suitable types1 of integration.
2.2 The management also discuss the option of setting up a production site abroad.
2.2.1 Based on the results of the customer survey given above, determine two relevant hard location factors and two relevant soft location factors for a production site in China – apart from site and Iabour costs – that match Aero GmbH´s requirements. Explain your decisions.
2.2.2 Outline two economic arguments in favour and two arguments against a location abroad for the host country.
2.3 Due to a Iack of financial means to make an investment in China Aero GmbH have finally2 decided for a joint venture with a Chinese ventilator producer called Golden Dragon Com- pany. The Chinese company is operated in the legal form of an ordinary partnership, also known as general partnership, owned by Mr Lunan Chen and Mr Chong Lin.
Golden Dragon Company is an emerging producer in the field of domestic devices and home appliances. Most of the 1,000 workers are unskil|ed. Mr Chen, Mr Lin and the man- aging staff were educated in Britain and the USA. Their production site is in the vicinity of the Shanghai area.
 1 Anmerkung der Autoren: Im alten Lehrplan entsprach diese Aufgabe den Forms of integration.
2 Hinweis der Autoren: In der Aufgabe sind teilweise Inhalte enthalten, die nicht mehr im aktuellen Lehr-
plan enthalten sind (z.B. kulturelle Aspekte).
[ Inhaltsverzeichnis ] [ Lösung ] 27     A2 2014

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